360 TC & TOUCH

» 360 TC & TOUCH is a heavy duty, high performance, twin column automatic band saw. The tip and tail system ensures zero waste of material.
The bars can be cut to the last mm and the remnants can be converted into fully valid parts.

360 TC & TOUCH

» 360 TC & TOUCH is a heavy duty, high performance, twin column automatic band saw. The tip and tail system ensures zero waste of material.
The bars can be cut to the last mm and the remnants can be converted into fully valid parts.


35º inclined saw bow. Saw bow, base and column in welded structure. Saw guidepost slides made from WIDIA. Automatic cutting parameters. Vice pressure regulator. Saw deflection device. Detection photocell start of the bar. End of bar controlled by electronic laser light device Electric motor-driven brush cleaner. Low-noise hydraulic assembly. Hydraulic saw tensioning with manual regulation. Feeding carriage controlled by brushless motor. Fast downfeed/raising control by means of an encoder.

Fully enclosed casing as per accident prevention regulations. Low voltage electrical system V400/50hz three-phase according to CE standards.

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Blade dimensions LxWxH mm. 4540x34x1,1
Blade speed (continuously adjustable) mt./l' 20-140
m/min 6
Stroke of infeed carriage* mm. 600
Stroke of outfeed carriage mm. 50
Minimum cutting length mm. 7
Programmable length (multi-repeat) mm. 9999
Cutting downfeed mm/1' 0,1/200
Fast downfeed mm/1' 3.500
Nm 4,3
Motor Power Blade Kw. 3
Coolant pump Kw. 0,4
Hydraulic unit Kw. 1,5
Swarf conveyor Kw. 0,18
Band cleaning brush Kw. 0,12
Electrical assembly Low voltage as per CE standards.
Liquid coolant tank L. 130
Working table height mm. 810
Shipping dimensions mm. 1900x3100x1900
Machine dimensions mm. 1785x2785x1900
Weight Kg. 2500
*supplied in various sizes as per the customer's request.


Arco inclinado de 35º. Arco, base y columna en estructura soldada. Patines guía-sierra en Widia. Parámetros automáticos de corte. Regulación presión
mordaza. Dispositivo desviación sierra. Fotocélula de detección inicio de la barra. Fin de barra controlado por dispositivo electrónico de luz láser. Limpiador de cepillo accionado por motor eléctrico. Conjunto hidráulico de baja sonoridad. Tensión sierra hidráulica con regulación manual. Carro alimentador controlado por motor Brushless. Control subida/bajada “rápida” mediante encoder.

Carcasa total según normativa de prevención de accidentes. Sistema eléctrico de baja tensión V400/50hz trifásica según normativa Ce.

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